What Can I Do to Stay Safe on a Boat?

Are you headed out on a boat this summer or headed out to the pool? The water can sound like sweet relief on a hot day, but it’s also filled with potential dangers.

That’s why our team at AFC Urgent Care Worcester wants to provide some basic safety tips you should be following.

Is Boating Dangerous?

It can be, if not handled correctly. Each year, there are thousands of boating accidents reported to the Coast Guard. In many cases, those accidents occur because drivers were going too fast or not paying attention.

Slowing down and always paying attention are two keys for safety. But there are other ways you can help ensure you and your family remain safe while out on a boat.

Boating Safety Basics

  • Make sure there is safety equipment on the boat.
  • Maintain the boat (and safety equipment) properly.
  • Monitor weather conditions.
  • Don’t turn down your emergency radio.
  • Avoid speeding.
  • Don’t overload the boat.

How Can I Keep My Family Safe Around Water?

Boating might not be your thing, but swimming, whether it’s in a pool or another body of water, is on most summer to-do lists. Unfortunately, each summer, we hear about drownings and other injuries incurred while around a pool or other water.

The good news is: You can largely prevent such incidents by practicing basic water safety guidelines.

Water Safety Tips

  • Take swimming lessons.
  • Ensure an adult is always supervising children who are swimming.
  • That adult should be within arm’s length of anyone who isn’t a strong swimmer.
  • Do not swim during a storm.
  • Avoid swimming late at night.

Did you suffer an injury this summer? Visit the AFC Urgent Care Worcester team today for a medical evaluation.